Q&A: Possession of Marijuana
I recently got arrested & was found with marijuanna a pipe & a bottle of alchohol , what should i be expecting? im 18 years old this is my first time ever being arrested , never been in trouble with the police nor have i gotten any driving tickets . i want to know what sentencing i may be looking at & as much legal advice i can be given would be greatly appreciated.
If this is your first arrest and you have no prior criminal history, you should be eligible for Proposition 200, which means that your sentencing exposure is limited to probation. However, as is the case for anyone charged with a crime, it’s best to consult an experienced criminal defense attorney who can better advise you. There may be legal defects that warrant a dismissal of the charges, diversion or a reduction of the charges to a misdemeanor. Hope this helps. Best of luck to you!
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