Tutorial: Probation Violations Generally

What is a probation violation?
A probation violation occurs when a criminal defendant who is on probation has committed some act which violates his or her terms of probation. The terms of probation often vary from defendant to defendant, but generally include basic terms that apply to all defendants. For example, one common probation term frequently applied to all criminal defendants is to “remain a law abiding citizen.” This means that if a probationer is arrested for any reason, even a charge that is later dismissed, he or she may have technically violated the terms of probation. It’s important to note that a conviction is not required to violate this specific term. A mere arrest may be sufficient.

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  • Q&A: Dismissals

    Do I have any legal recourse because of my attorney’s lack of representation? I traveled to another part of the state I live in, Arizona, to sigh my plea bargain and turn myself in the other day. I was 20 minutes late in getting there and was told that the prosecuter did not show up and I was to come back in 30 days, a rescheduling. I was also told that because the prosecuter dodn’t show up that my attorney could have moved for a dismissal but didn’t. Is this true? If so, do I have any recourse because of my attorney’s lack of action? Thank you, Gary.

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  • Q&A: 2-for-1 Jail Time

    Should I be worried about my boyfriend serving a longer sentence than what his plea indicated? My boyfriend just started an 8 mos sentence at the Estrella Tents. His lawyer and the judge indicated in court that he would be eligible for a two-for-one, meaning that if he worked a job in jail and had good behavior

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  • Q&A: Should I confess?

    My son went to jail for little under month for 2nd DV charge and now i’ve found out hes pullin scams to get money, theft of at at least 200$. He just started probation and has 3 years left wtih classes that cost money.
    I’m wondering if he can confess and somehow get less time for all these crimes..?

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